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Configure the OIDC Identity Provider

PLOSSYS Output Engine authenticates a user via the OAuth 2.0 and the OpenID Connect protocol. For this, an OIDC identity provider is required.

A preconfigured Keycloak identity provider is provided by SEAL Systems for test purposes. In practice, another OIDC identity provider already installed at the customer's will be used for the user authentication and authorization.

Literature - OIDC identity provider

For more information about Keycloak and other OIDC identity providers used with the SEAL Systems products, refer to the SEAL Interfaces for OIDC documentation.

Configure PLOSSYS Output Engine in the OIDC Identity Provider

For how to configure the different clients belonging to PLOSSYS Output Engine in the OIDC identity provider, refer to the SEAL Interfaces for OIDC documentation.

Map the Permissions to the Roles Specified in the OIDC Identity Provider

For how to map the permissions for the different clients belonging to PLOSSYS Output Engine to the roles specified in the OIDC identity provider, refer to Map the Permissions to the Roles Specified in the OIDC Identity Provider.

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Continue with: Configure the Management Server

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