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Administrate the Jobs

The jobs in an Output Engine system can be administrated via PLOSSYS CLI.

Hint - Web user interface

Some of the operations can be executed via PLOSSYS Administrator as well.


For the requirements for using PLOSSYS CLI, refer to PLOSSYS CLI.


Specific Output Engine Server

For administrating the jobs of a specific Output Engine server, specify the --server <plossys_server> option. Default is https://localhost:8080.

plossys job <command> --server https://<plossys_server>:8080

Example - show all jobs of the server

plossys job show --server

Self-Signed Certificates

Specifying the --insecure option, you avoid that the certificate will be checked by the client.

plossys job <command> --insecure

User Authentication

Depending on the type of user authentication activated for the seal-rest service, you have to specify the user and the password with PLOSSYS CLI. By default, the specified user is first checked via OpenID Connect and via basic authentication as fallback.

plossys job <command> --auth <auth_type> --user <user> --pass <password>

Example - show all jobs as user test authenticated via OpenID Connect

plossys job show --auth oidc --user test --pass test

Using OpenID Connect, you can alternatively specify a JSON Web token (JWT) instead of a user and his password.

plossys job <command> --auth oidc --bearer <jwt>

Example - show all jobs as a user authenticated via JSON Web token

plossys job show --auth oidc --bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbG...

The credentials, that means user and password or the token, can also be contained in a credential file which is specified with PLOSSYS CLI.

plossys job <command> --auth oidc --credential <credential_file>


Show All Jobs

plossys job show

Show Specific Jobs

plossys job show <job_id_1> <job_id_2> ... <job_id_n>

Example - show the job with the ID b6f50fe3-1292-4d56-922f-bcd26038bb97

plossys job show b6f50fe3-1292-4d56-922f-bcd26038bb97

results in:

    "_id": "b6f50fe3-1292-4d56-922f-bcd26038bb97",
    "orig": {
      "jobName": "Testjob@p50-roe-hp2055-001",
      "printerName": "p50-roe-hp2055-001",
      "userName": "test",
      "fileName": "",
      "copies": 1,
      "checkinType": "ipp/2.0",
      "server": "p5",
      "pdl": {
        "name": "postscript",
        "version": "3.0"
      "creator": "",
      "arrivedTime": 1568280537768,
      "checkinTime": 1568280537778,
      "fileSize": 35266
    "current": {
      "jobName": "Testjob@p50-roe-hp2055-001",
      "printerName": "p50-roe-hp2055-001",
      "userName": "test",
      "fileName": "",
      "copies": 1,
      "checkinType": "ipp/2.0",
      "server": "p5",
      "pdl": {
        "name": "postscript",
        "version": "3.0"
      "creator": "",
      "arrivedTime": 1568280537768,
      "checkinTime": 1568280537778,
      "fileSize": 35266
    "refId": "b6f50fe3",
    "fileName": [
    "status": "canceled"

Show Specific Properties of Specific Jobs

plossys job show <job_id_1> <job_id_2> ... <job_id_n> --fields <field_name_1>,<field_name_2>,...,<field_name_n>

Hint - field names with hierarchie

The field names have to be specified with the complete hierarchy, for example, current/jobName.

Example - show the status and the original user name of all jobs

plossys job show --fields status,orig/userName

results in:

    "_id": "5250f1e6-03f8-4525-bc22-e13fcd9cb38c",
    "orig": {
      "userName": "joe"
    "status": "postponed"
    "_id": "15614e36-3a8b-4e0e-9461-9a759fd42e75",
    "orig": {
      "userName": "jane"
    "status": "waiting"
    "_id": "fe4db59c-b397-48ac-bd59-8beb02c6a7ea",
    "orig": {
      "userName": "willy"
    "status": "waiting"
    "_id": "b6f50fe3-1292-4d56-922f-bcd26038bb97",
    "orig": {
      "userName": "test"
    "status": "canceled"

Cancel Specific Jobs

plossys job cancel <job_id_1> <job_id_2> ... <job_id_n>

Delete Specific Jobs

plossys job remove <job_id_1> <job_id_2> ... <job_id_n>

Pause Specific Jobs

plossys job pause <job_id_1> <job_id_2> ... <job_id_n>

Repeat Specific Jobs

plossys job repeat <job_id_1> <job_id_2> ... <job_id_n>

Resume Specific Jobs

plossys job resume <job_id_1> <job_id_2> ... <job_id_n>

Collect the Files of a Specific Job as Zip File

plossys job collect <job_id>

plossys job print <file> --printer <printer>

Hint - graphic file

If file is a graphic file, the --printer option has to be specified.

The file may also be a Zip file resulting from plossys job collect or the correspondent operation in PLOSSYS Administrator.

In this case, the original input file in the Zip file is printed. The printer specified in the original print parameters of the Zip file (<jobID>.json) is used unless it is overwritten by the --printer option and the original print parameters in the Zip file (<jobID>.json) are used.

Advanced Job Queries

For advanced job queries, the query subcommand is available. The query subcommand supports the OData language. The result of the subcommand is a list of jobs. In order to execute complex queries and operations, this list can be combined with other PLOSSYS CLI commands.

plossys job query <query> --fields <field_name_1>,<field_name_2>,...,<field_name_n>

If the option --fields is omitted, only the Job-IDs are returned. If --fields ALL is specified, all job parameters are returned. For further usage of --fields see plossys job show

Example - list active jobs

plossys job query "status eq 'active'"

Example - show active jobs with all parameters

plossys job query "status eq 'active'" --fields ALL

Example - pause the active jobs

plossys job query "status eq 'active'" | plossys job pause

Example - remove all jobs

The following example uses the third-party-tool jc for parsing the JSON output of plossys job show. This tool is usually not installed on your system and has to be installed so that the following command will work. You can download jc from for example.

plossys job show | jq -r .[]._id | plossys job remove -

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