Use DPF for File Format Conversion¶
Digital Process Factory (DPF) as of version 3.0.0 or higher
To print files for which there are no built-in converters, PLOSSYS Output Engine can make use of DPF for the input conversion of these file formats.
The standard preconversion flow allows for converting Microsoft Office, PNG and JPEG.
Various custom conversions can be achieved by integrating DPF conversion into a custom flow:
if ( === ('some special value')) {
await convert(job, { service: 'convert-dpf', convertParams: { dpfWorkflow: 'DPF4Convert.net_convert', dpfParameter: { someDpfKey: 'some value' } } });
For more information on how to implement custom flows, refer to Customize Job Processing on Windows or Customize Job Processing on Linux.
To integrate Digital Process Factory into the PLOSSYS preconversion set the following environment variables as needed:
: optional, link to the job REST API of the DPF server, default:https://localhost:9126/rest/dpf
: optional, version of the job REST API provided by Digital Process Factory, default:v1
: optional, hostname of PLOSSYS Output Engine reachable by Digital Process Factory to send callbacks to, default: FQDN if ascertainable otherwise the local hostnameCALLBACK_PORT
: optional, port of PLOSSYS Output Engine reachable by Digital Process Factory to send callbacks to, default:2129
PLOSSYS Output Engine automatically trusts the DPF certificates.
On the other hand, DPF does not trust the default certificates of PLOSSYS Output Engine because they are issued for localhost
If no custom certificates are available, follow these steps:
Go to the DPF environment.
to create a certificate for the Output Engine server. In case of a cluster, create a certificate for each server. The issuer of these certificates will beseal_test_ca
.Hint - usage [-hostname <the name of the server for which to generate the certificate>] [-certbase <basename of certificate file with absolute path>]
For example: -hostname pls-out-ngn.customer.local
At the Output Engine server, copy the certificates and key file to the directory specified in
. -
At the DPF server, the root certificate has to be imported to the JAVA keystore.