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Supported IPP Commands

The seal-ipp-checkin service of PLOSSYS Output Engine supports the following IPP commands. These are used, for example, to implement Secure&Pickup Printing.

Print-Job prints a single job.

Group Attribute Type
operation-attributes-tag job-name String
operation-attributes-tag document-name String
operation-attributes-tag document-format String
operation-attributes-tag requesting-user-name String
operation-attributes-tag seal-attributes-v2 1setOf string
job-attributes-tag copies String

The seal-attributes-v2 attribute, if existent, contains 1setOf string formatted in <key>=<value> syntax.

Hint - old naming convention

The former name of the seal-attributes-v2 is seal-attributes. Values declared via seal-attributes will still be utilized but on a lower priority than seal-attributes-v2.

PLOSSYS Job Parameter documentation

For a detailed description of all available job parameters, refer to the PLOSSYS Job Parameter documentation.

Group Attribute Type
job-attributes-tag job-uri String
job-attributes-tag job-printer-uri String
job-attributes-tag job-state String

Get-Jobs 0x0A

Get-Jobs returns a list containing job information.

Get-Jobs Request Attributes

Group Attribute Type
operation-attributes-tag requesting-user-name String
operation-attributes-tag which-jobs completed|not-completed
operation-attributes-tag my-jobs Boolean
operation-attributes-tag limit Integer: 1:MAX

Get-Jobs Response Attributes

Group Attribute Type
operation-attributes-tag printer-uri String
job-attributes-tag job-id String
job-attributes-tag job-state String
job-attributes-tag job-state-reasons String
job-attributes-tag job-priority Integer
job-attributes-tag job-k-octets Integer
job-attributes-tag time-at-creation Integer
job-attributes-tag date-time-at-creation String
job-attributes-tag job-name String
job-attributes-tag job-originating-user-name String
job-attributes-tag job-uri String
job-attributes-tag job-printer-uri String

Release-Job 0x0D

Release-Job releases a single job for printing.

Release-Job Request Attributes

Group Attribute Type
operation-attributes-tag printer-uri String
operation-attributes-tag printer-name String
operation-attributes-tag job-uri String
operation-attributes-tag job-id String

Either printer-uri or printer-name has to be specified. If both are specified, printer-uri is used.

Either job-uri or job-id has to be specified. If both are specified, job-uri is used.

Release-Job Response Attributes

Group Attribute Type
operation-attributes-tag status-message String

status-message is set in case of error only.

Cancel-Job 0x08

Cancel-Job cancels a waiting or an already running job.

Cancel-Job Request Attributes

Group Attribute Type
operation-attributes-tag job-uri String
operation-attributes-tag job-id String

Either job-uri or job-id has to be specified. If both are specified, job-uri is used.

Cancel-Job Response Attributes

Group Attribute Type
operation-attributes-tag status-message String

status-message is set in case of error only.

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