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Mapping of Output Engine Parameters

This section specifies the mapping of PLOSSYS 4 and gXnetplot parameters to Output Engine parameters. PLOSSYS Output Engine understands Output Engine and PLOSSYS 4 parameters, as well as native IPP attributes. For the mapping of IPP attributes to Output Engine parameters, refer to IPP Attribute Mapping.

PLOSSYS 4 to Output Engine Parameters

When you change your output management system from PLOSSYS 4 to PLOSSYS Output Engine, you do not have to change your processes. PLOSSYS Output Engine will map the PLOSSYS 4 job parameters according to the table below.

P4 Job Parameter Value P5 Job Parameter
PLS_PLOTSCALE <string> mediaSize=<PLS_PLOTSCALE> scaleMode=fillFit
PLS_SCALETYPE /DINSCL scaleMode=fitMediaSize
PLS_SCALETYPE /MAXSCL scaleMode=fitPrintArea

The value /INTSCL for PLS_SCALETYPE is not supported by PLOSSYS Output Engine.


For a detailed description of all available job parameters, refer to the PLOSSYS Job Parameter documentation.

gXnetplot to Output Engine Parameters

When you change your output management system from gXnetplot to PLOSSYS Output Engine, you need to adapt your processes according to the table below to gain similar results.

gXnetplot Parameter Value P5 Job Parameter P5 Printer Parameter
mode original scaleMode=clip
mode fit with negative tolerance scaleMode=fitMediaSize
mode fit with positive tolerance scaleMode=fitPrintArea
mode abstract scaleMode=fillFit
format <string> mediaSize=<format>
scale <float> scaleFactor=<scale>
align not supported alignment
rotate not supported rotation

Caution - only one scale factor in PLOSSYS Output Engine

While gXnetplot can scale differently for each direction, PLOSSYS Output Engine supports only one scaling factor for both directions.


For a detailed description of all available job parameters, refer to the PLOSSYS Job Parameter documentation.

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