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Set Copies

The Output Engine attribute copies specifies how often a document will be output. The number can be set in several ways when assigning the job. The evaluation also differs depending on which format is sent to the checkin service.

Hint - 0 or 1

The attributes differ in how they specify the number of copies. With PLS_PLOTCOPY and SAP_OMS_S_COPIES, 0 means that the document is output once. With copies, 1 means that the document is output once.

Hint - spool-only jobs

For how to output copies with spool-only jobs, refer to [Output Copies With Spool-Only Jobs][/use_cases/].


In case of IPP, the copies attribute is determined from the IPP header and comments in the PostScript file. The following attributes are taken into account:

  • PLS_PLOTCOPY from PostScript file, highest priority
  • PLS_PLOTCOPY from seal-attributes-v2
  • SAP_OMS_S_COPIES from seal-attributes-v2
  • WIN_INF_COPIES from seal-attributes-v2
  • copies from job-attributes-tag, lowest priority, (Standard IPP)

Hint - old naming convention

The former name of the seal-attributes-v2 is seal-attributes. Values declared via seal-attributes will still be utilized but on a lower priority than seal-attributes-v2.

PLOSSYS Job Parameter documentation

For a detailed description of all available job parameters, refer to the PLOSSYS Job Parameter documentation.


Copies are only supported for PostScript files containing a PLS_PLOTCOPY comment.

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