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Administrate the System Configuration

In an on-premise installation, the configuration of PLOSSYS Output Engine is kept in the Consul key value store and can be administrated by PLOSSYS CLI. In a cloud environment, the container-orchestration system is used for this.


For the requirements for using PLOSSYS CLI, refer to PLOSSYS CLI.


Secured Consul Key Value Store

If the Consul key value store has been secured by a token (CONSUL_TOKEN), specify the --token <consul_token> option. By default, no token is used.

plossys config <command> --token <consul_token>

Example - export the configuration from a secured Consul key value store

plossys config export <filename>.yml --token <consul_token>

Self-Signed Certificates

Specifying the --insecure option, you avoid that the certificate will be checked by the client.

plossys config <command> --insecure


Validate and Correct the Configuration of a Running System

plossys config validate

Validate and Correct the Configuration and Delete the Consul Key Value Store when Re-Importing the Configuration

plossys config validate --purge

Import the Configuration into a Running System

plossys config import <filename>.yml

Delete the Consul Key Value Store and Import the Configuration

plossys config import <filename>.yml --purge

Update the Configuration in a Running System Without Overwriting the Existent Settings

plossys config update <filename>.yml

Export the Configuration to a File

plossys config export <filename>.yml

Set a Key to a Value for All Services

plossys config set <key> <value>

Hint - global section

The key is specified in the global section any for all services. An already existent service-specific setting of the same key is not overwritten.

Example - set LOG_LEVEL for all services

plossys config set LOG_LEVEL error

Set a Key to a Value for a Specific Service

plossys config set <key> <value> --service <service_name>

Hint - service name

With --service, specify the service name as used in the configuration, that means without the seal-prefix.

Example - set LOG_LEVEL for the seal-rest service

plossys config set LOG_LEVEL error --service rest

Get the Value of a Key Specified for All Services

plossys config get <key>

Get the Key of a Key Specified for a Specific Service

plossys config get <key> --service <service_name>

Example - get LOG_LEVEL for the seal-plossysadmin service

plossys config get LOG_LEVEL --service plossysadmin


Set or Get the Value of ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS

Setting and getting the ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS key is a special case of the set and get commands described above. Here, you do not have to specify the service due to this is set to the seal-rest service automatically.

Due to that the value of ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS is a complex JSON object, reading it to or from a file makes sense. Additionally, the value of ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS is checked for JSON conformity.

plossys config set ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS --file <filename>.json

Generate the Template for ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS

The value of ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS has to accord to a specific JSON object. For this, a template can be generated which then only has to be filled out.

plossys config template ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS --file <filename>.json

Example - template for ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS with the superadmin and admin example roles

  "seal-plossysadmin": {
    "roles": {
      "superadmin": {
        "areas": {
          "dashboard": {},
          "jobs": {
            "set-a": {
              "views": [
                  "struct": "current.printerName",
                  "operator": "eq",
                  "value": "printer"
              "permissions": [
            "set-b": {
              "views": [
                  "struct": "current.printerName",
                  "operator": "eq",
                  "value": "printer2"
              "permissions": [
            "set-c": {
              "views": [
              "permissions": []
          "printers": {
             "set-a": {
               "views": [
                   "struct": "config.server",
                   "operator": "eq",
                   "value": "spooler1"
              "permissions": [
            "set-b": {
              "views": [
                  "struct": "connection",
                  "operator": "eq",
                  "value": "socket://valid:1234"
              "permissions": [
            "set-c": {
              "views": [
                  "struct": "config.printer",
                  "operator": "eq",
                  "value": "printer2"
                  "struct": "config.printer",
                  "operator": "eq",
                  "value": "printer3"
              "permissions": [
      "admin": {
        "areas": {
          "printers": {
            "set-a": {
              "views": [
              "permissions": [

Special Case HTPASSWD

Set or Get the Value of HTPASSWD

Setting and getting the HTPASSWD key is a special case of the set and get commands described above. Here, you do not have to specify the service due to this is set to the seal-rest service automatically.

Due to that the value of HTPASSWD has to accord to the format of the Apache htpasswd file, reading it to or from a file makes sense. Additionally, the value of HTPASSWD is checked for htpasswd conformity.

plossys config set HTPASSWD --file <filename>

Generate the Template for HTPASSWD

The value of HTPASSWD has to accord to the format of the Apache htpasswd file. For this, a template can be generated which then only has to be filled out.

plossys config template HTPASSWD --file <filename>

Example - template for HTPASSWD


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