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Attribute Mapping with IPP

The attributes for printing (for example, copies or duplex) can come from various sources: the document itself (only PostScript documents), a specific seal-attributes-v2 tag inside the IPP request and standard IPP attributes.

In the printer configuration templates, the available attributes are merged with general seal-attributes-v2 and document parameters.

Hint - old naming convention

The former name of the seal-attributes-v2 is seal-attributes. Values declared via seal-attributes will still be utilized but on a lower priority than seal-attributes-v2.


The following list shows the mapping of some standard IPP attributes and their priority:

Output Engine Attribute Merge Highest Prio (Document) Merge Second Prio (seal-attributes-v2) Merge Lowest Prio (Standard IPP)
fileName document-name
printerName PLS_PLOTTER SAP_OMS_S_DEVICE, PLS_PLOTTER job-printer-uri
userName PLS_USERNAME PLS_USERNAME requesting-user-name
scaleFactor scaleFactor, PLS_PLOTSCALE (float)
mediaSize mediaSize, PLS_PLOTSCALE (string)
scaleMode scaleMode, PLS_SCALE_TYPE

PLOSSYS Job Parameter documentation

For a detailed description of all available job parameters, refer to the PLOSSYS Job Parameter documentation.


Native IPP Parameter

You can also send native IPP parameters.

Both IPP attributes together define the scaling type. print-scaling is specified in the job-attributes-tag, ipp-attribute-fidelity in the operation-attributes-tag.

The following list shows how the IPP values will be mapped:

print-scaling ipp-attribute-fidelity P5 scaleMode
fit not used fillFit
fill not used fill
none not used clip
auto true fillFit
auto false fitPrintArea
auto-fit true fillFit
auto-fit false fitMediaSize


The media parameter contains the name of the target format. It can be specified in the attribute group job-attributes-tag.

The original value of media is always stored in job.orig.mediaSize. The mapped value for PLOSSYS Output Engine is stored in job.current.mediaSize. PLOSSYS Output Engine only maps selected format names. All other values will result in mediaSize set to its default.

The following list shows how the IPP media attribute will be mapped to the Output Engine attribute mediaSize:

IPP media Output Engine mediaSize
na-letter, letter, a, engineering-a, na_letter_8.5x11in ANSI_A
na-legal, legal, na_legal_8.5x14in Legal
tabloid, ledger, b, engineering-b, na_ledger_11x17in ANSI_B
c, engineering-c, na_c_17x22in ANSI_C
d, engineering-d, na_d_22x34in ANSI_D
e, engineering-e, na_e_34x44in ANSI_E
iso-a6, a6, iso_a6_105x148mm DIN_A6
iso-a5, a5, iso_a5_148x210mm DIN_A5
iso-a4, a4, iso_a4_210x297mm DIN_A4
iso-a3, a3, iso_a3_297x420mm DIN_A3
iso-a2, a2, iso_a2_420x594mm DIN_A2
iso-a1, a1, iso_a1_594x841mm DIN_A1
iso-a0, a0, iso_a0_841x1189mm DIN_A0

Send Job Attributes with IPP

PLOSSSYS 4 and PLOSSYS Output Engine specific job parameters for scale and rotate are specified in the IPP attribute seal-attributes-v2 of the attribute group operation-attributes-tag. The IPP attribute seal-attributes-v2 is an array of strings. Each string contains a key in its value in the syntax <Key>=<Value>.


    ['scaleFactor=2.0', 'mediaSize=AUTO', 'scaleMode=fitPrintArea']

IPP specific job parameters are specified in the "operation-attributes" and "job-template" attribute groups.


For more information, refer to the Attribute Mapping with IPP and the use case description on how to Send a Native Job.

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