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Job Statuses

The following table and graphic show the statuses available for the jobs in PLOSSYS Output Engine.

Job Status to Service Mapping

The following table shows which service will do something with the job when the job is in the listed status.

Job Status View in PLOSSYS Administrator Service
Added Added seal-convert-dispatcher
WaitPreProcessing wait for preprocessing seal-convert-dispatcher
PreProcessing processing seal-convert-dispatcher
PostponedPreProcessing postponed in processing seal-convert-dispatcher
ProcessingRemote remote processing external system
WaitProcessing wait for processing seal-controller
Processing processing seal-controller
Postponed pstponed seal-controller
Accounting accounting seal-plossys-accounting
Error error none
Processed processed none
Canceled canceled none
Paused paused none

If a B is depicted next to the job icon like job marked as part of a document stream in PLOSSYS Administrator, the job is part of a document stream.

Status Transitions

The initial job status is WaitPreProcessing.


Processing Chain

This graphic illustrates the general way a job takes through the various Output Engine services.

processing chain

Processing SAP Forms

This graphic illustrates how a SAP form will be processed. The job (marked with a dashed line) specifies an OTF file with one stamp and two copies.

Processing SAP Forms

Processing Simple PostScript

This graphic illustrates how a simple PostScript file will be processed. The job (marked with a dashed line) specifies no stamps and no copies.

Processing Simple PostScript

Processing PCL With Copies

This graphic illustrates how a PCL file will be processed. The job (marked with a dashed line) specifies three copies.

Processing PCL With Copies

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