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Output SAPWIN Files

PLOSSYS Output Engine can convert and output jobs in the SAPWIN format. For the conversion, the separate seal-convert-sapwin service is available for Windows which uses the omsprint.exe program from SAP and a local Windows printer queue.

Whenever a SAPWIN file is sent to PLOSSYS Output Engine, the file is passed to the seal-convert-sapwin service.

The current version of the seal-convert-sapwin service is

Installation and Configuration

SEAL Systems recommends installing the seal-convert-sapwin service on a separate Windows server.

Install the Packages

  1. In a browser, log on to the SEAL Systems delivery platform with your logon data:

    Hint - logon data

    You receive the logon data from your Technical Project Manager at SEAL Systems.

  2. Download the convert-sapwin - - msi folder. It is saved as convert-sapwin - -

  3. Extract convert-sapwin - -

  4. Open a PowerShell (Administrator) and change to the convert-sapwin - - msi directory and start the installation of the SAP SAPSprint installer package, the seal-convert-sapwin and the seal-consul-agent services:

    cd "convert-sapwin - - msi"
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; .\install.ps1

    Hint - path

    By default, SAP SAPSprint is installed into C:\Program Files\SAP\SAPSPrint. If you use another installation directory, you have to specify the OMSPRINT_EXE service key accordingly for the seal-convert-sapwin service afterwards.

  5. Start the script for opening the firewall ports:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; .\firewall.ps1
  6. Start the services:

    service-start seal-consul-agent
    service-start seal-convert-sapwin

Register the Consul Agent as Client

Register the Consul agent on the Windows server where the seal-convert-sapwin service is running as client in Consul.

  1. Stop the service:

    service-stop seal-consul-agent
  2. Open the Consul configuration file:

    C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\consul.json
  3. Specify the following lines so that the Consul agent will become a client:

    "server": false,
    "ui": false,
  4. Specify any of the servers in the Consul cluster with the following line:

    "retry_join": ["<server>"]
  5. Save the configuration file.

  6. Start the service:

    service-start seal-consul-agent

Configure the Output Engine Queue

Normally, this is done via easyPRIMA. For more information, refer to the easyPRIMA documentation.

  1. Open the Seal Control Center. In the sidebar menue, under easyPRIMA select Manage Queue Parameters.

  2. Edit the sapwinQueue queue parameter to activate it for PLOSSYS Output Engine.

    sapwinQueue Configuration in easyPRIMA

  3. Move the parameter from the HIDDEN tab to the PLOSSYS tab and specify Relevant for PLOSSYS Output Engine.

  4. For the Output Engine queue used for output the SAPWIN files, set the sapwinQueue queue parameter to the name of the Windows printer to be used for the SAPWIN conversion. Multiple Output Engine queues can share the same Windows printer if they use the same Windows printer driver.

Hint - changes in easyPRIMA 1.9.0

As of easyPRIMA 1.9.0, the sapwinQueue parameter is already preconfigured and only has to be activated as described above. When using an older version of easyPRIMA, the parameter has to be added manually.

Show Log Messages in Elastic Stack

If you want to see the log messages from the seal-convert-sapwin service in Elastic Stack in addition to the local log files, install Filebeat on the Windows server where the seal-convert-sapwin service is running, refer to the SEAL Elastic Stack documentation.

Secure the Installation

For how to configure the TLS encryption and use the ACL token with Consul, refer to Secure Consul.

Example Consul Configuration File

Example - Consul configuration file with certificates and ACL

  "acl": {
    "enabled": true,
    "default_policy": "deny",
    "enable_token_persistence": true,
    "tokens": {
      "default": "18a6d5d7-xxx-3509-d400-6018d90c9e8f"
  "addresses": {
    "https": ""
  "datacenter": "dc1",
  "data_dir": "C:\\ProgramData\\SEAL Systems\\data\\seal-consul-agent\\",
  "disable_remote_exec": true,
  "disable_update_check": true,
  "dns_config": {
    "only_passing": true
  "domain": "consul.",
  "encrypt": "GfTiHCQsAMdYyBYhMw==",
  "ports": {
    "dns": 53,
    "http": -1,
    "https": 8500
  "server": false,
  "ui": false,
  "retry_join": ["abc.sealsystems.local"],
  "verify_incoming": false,
  "verify_outgoing": true,
  "verify_server_hostname": false,
  "ca_file": "C:\\ProgramData\\SEAL Systems\\config\\tls-external\\ca.pem",
  "cert_file": "C:\\ProgramData\\SEAL Systems\\config\\tls-external\\cert.pem",
  "key_file": "C:\\ProgramData\\SEAL Systems\\config\\tls-external\\key.pem",
  "auto_encrypt": {
    "allow_tls": true

Service Keys

The following service keys are available for the seal-convert-sapwin service:


ACTION_EXECUTOR specifies the implementation used by the service.

In Consul, the key is specified here. If the key does not yet exist, you have to create it:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-sapwin/tag/any/ACTION_EXECUTOR

Available values: String

  • MOCK

    Simulate the implementation


    Use the real omsprint.exe



DEFAULT_OMSPRINT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS specifies the number of milliseconds after which the omsprint.exe call will be canceled if nothing happens.

In Consul, the key is specified here. If the key does not yet exist, you have to create it:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-sapwin/tag/any/DEFAULT_OMSPRINT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS

Available values: Integer

  • <milliseconds>

Default: 180000


LOG_LEVEL specifies the log level for the correspondent service. Messages that correspond to this log level or a higher one are written to the log file.

In Consul, the key is specified here. If the key does not yet exist, you have to create it:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-sapwin/tag/any/LOG_LEVEL

Available values: String

  • debug

    Debug messages are written to the log file of the service.

  • info

    Information messages are written to the log file of the service.

  • warn

    Warning messages are written to the log file of the service.

  • error

    Error messages are written to the log file of the service.

  • fatal

    Serious error messages are written to the log file of the service.

Default: info


MAX_INSTANCES specifies the maximum of parallel conversions.

In Consul, the key is specified here. If the key does not yet exist, you have to create it:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-sapwin/tag/any/MAX_INSTANCES

Available values: Integer

  • <number_instances>

Default: 10


OMSPRINT_EXE specifies the path where the omsprint.exe program has been installed unless the default directory is used.

In Consul, the key is specified here. If the key does not yet exist, you have to create it:

  • dc/home/env/service/convert-sapwin/tag/any/OMSPRINT_EXE

Available values: String

  • <path_to_omsprint>

Default: none

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