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New Features

  • Allow authentication via OIDC (JWT, Json Web Token) with PLOSSYS CLI.

  • OIDC password flow is supported for authentication as alternative to Basic Auth.

  • For PLOSSYS CLI, new commands are available for setting and getting values of configuration keys in Consul and creating templates for specific keys such as ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS.

  • With PLOSSYS CLI, the value of the HTPASSWD key can be read from and writes to a file that is given with the HTPASSWD_FILE key for the Basic Auth authentication.

  • The pickup status has been introduced and is set correctly for new printers. With a pickup printer, the status cannot be changed. The jobs in pickup printer queues are not processed.

  • With JOB_LIFETIME_CANCELED, a time interval can be specified after which the canceled jobs will be removed.

  • With JOB_LIFETIME_WAITING_PICKUP, a time interval can be specified after which the jobs waiting in a pickup printer queue will be removed.

  • With the SHOW_ALL_JOBS_FOR_PRINTER key, all jobs of a printer can be displayed.

  • Basic Auth is available as user authentication.

  • The following IPP operations have been implemented: Hold-Job, Restart-Job, Validate-Job, Cancel-Job for a specific job-id, Get-Job-Attributes, Release-Job

  • Release-Job and moveJob have been enhanced in order to find the target printer with Secure&Pickup Printing.

  • Canceled jobs are hidden in the Get-Jobs response. This prevents the Windows printer queue from listing canceled jobs with Deleting status and thus confusing the user.

  • Attributes have been added to the Get-Printer-Attributes response for supporting the iOS printer profiles.

  • Secure&Pickup Printing is supported. Pickup queues are configured via the pickup=true queue parameter.

  • The version of Ghostscript is logged in the verbose mode.

  • Reading print data from database as buffer instead of a utf-8-encoded string allows sending binary data via IPP.

  • Jobs can be canceled. The cancelation is logged.

  • Via the MONGO_EVENTS_COLLECTION_SIZE key, you can specify the size of the capped collection for storing the events.


  • Every POST and PUT route is checked for valid permission. If the permission check fails, 403 is returned.

  • If authenticating with Basic Auth is used and no htpasswd file has been specified with the HTPASSWD_FILE key, authentication will never be granted. Before it was granted to everyone without checking the user and the password.

  • The canceled jobs are taken into account with the timeline statistics.

  • The current.seal-attributes.finalEventSent flag is set in the job properties correctly when the final status has been sent to SAP.

  • The bug with canceling jobs has been fixed.

  • seal-ipp-checkin no longer starts with an unsupported SERVICE_URL, ://localhost:631 or tls://localhost:631 for example. Now, an HTTPS server is started if the SERVICE_URL starts with https://... or ipps://... and an HTTP server if it starts with http:// or ipp://. If the Service URL is unknown, an error is output instead of starting the server.

  • The bug with activating TLS has been fixed.

  • The job-statusIPP attribute is set correctly if the job is in the canceled or aborted state.

  • The bug that jobs checked-in via IPP were mistaken as SAP notifications and repeatedly notified about has been fixed.

  • The copies IPP attribute correctly starts at 1 instead of 0.

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