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New Features

  • With the version 5.1.0 of PLOSSYS 5, the directory structure of PLOSSYS 5 has been changed. Due to this, some steps have to be done manually when updating to this version. For more information, refer to Update on Windows or Update on Linux.

  • ELK has been updated to the version 7.6.0. ELK has been renamed to Elastic Stack and Logstash is no longer required. Also, Elasticsearch Curator is no longer required for purging Logstash indices. The installation of Elastic Stack for PLOSSYS 5 has two parts now, one for the management server containing Elaticsearch, Kibana and Logrotate and one for the Output Engine server containing Filebeat. For this, two different installation packages are provided.

  • MongoDB has been updated due to security vulnerabilities.

  • Node has been updated to version 12 due to version 8 is no longer supported.

  • The default authentication has been changed from Basic Auth/NTLM to OIDC.

  • The default authentication type and the allowed OIDC clients with default roles has been added to the default configuration file (plossys.yml).

  • PLOSSYS 5 recognizes PCL-5, PCL-6 and OTF (UTF-16 and ASCII) jobs.

  • PLOSSYS 5 recognizes ZPL jobs and routes them through without conversion by default.

  • After receiving the SIGINT or SIGTERM signal, the server tries a graceful shutdown by closing the TCP server for incoming new connections and waiting until all currently open connections are closed.

  • Consul is initialized only once and the configuration is passed to all modules.

  • The configuration of PLOSSYS 5 can be read from local files instead of Consul.

  • If the SERVICE_DISCOVERY environment variable is set to cloud, the seal-sapgof service reads the configuration from the local file instead of from Consul.

  • For the seal-sapgof service and the seal-pdfstamp service, the CONFIG_DIR environment variable is available for specifying a directory containing the configuration files, for example, when running PLOSSYS 5 without Consul in the cloud.

  • The seal-ipp-proxy service is available.

  • The seal-attributes tags contained in IPP jobs are now merged into the job object used by printer templates. If values are specified either in IPP and in the job, IPP takes priority.

  • The IPP operation Get-Notifications is available. With the notify-wait attribute, the connection stays open until the job is in a final state in order to get more notifications.

  • The IPP operation CUPS-Get-Printers is available for returning all printers.

  • Test jobs can be created via IPP. Therefore, printer names containing special characters (UTF-8) are possible.

  • With PLOSSYS CLI, the config update command is available, which is similar to config import but imports only those keys which do not exist yet.

  • PLOSSYS CLI can get HTPASSWD data from Consul, generate a template for this data and import it to Consul.

  • PLOSSYS CLI can get ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS data from Consul, generate a template for this data and import it to Consul.

  • The PRINT_ERROR_SHEET environment variable is available which specified if an error sheet is output in case of error. Before, the error sheet was output in case of error, now the error sheet is not output by default but can be activated by setting PRINT_ERROR_SHEET to Y.

  • All tables with PLOSSYS Administrator have been redesigned.

  • Texts which do not fit into the column no longer overwrite the text in the next column but are displayed partly. The complete text is displayed in a tooltip when hoovering over it.

  • The service configuration file for the PLOSSYS Administrator service has been changed to /usr/lib/systemd/system.

  • In PLOSSYS Administrator, the roles received from the identity provider and the effective roles are shown.

  • IPP Checkin, IPP Proxy and IPP Checkout stream data directly into MongoDB instead of loading it into the memory.

  • For the seal-dispatcher service, the JOB_MAX_POSTPONED_COUNT environment variable is available, which specifies how often a job will be postponed in case the next service is not available for example. After reaching the specified maximum of postponements, the job will be considered erroneous.

  • Ghostscript version 9.27.0 is used by PLOSSYS 5.

  • PDF Tools version is used by PLOSSYS 5.

  • sapgofu2pdf version 9.0.6 is used by PLOSSYS 5.

  • Message Server is supported with the job reply to SAP BC-XOM.

  • SAP NW RFC SDK 7.50 is supported due to version 7.20 no longer is supported.


  • The Output Engine status has been corrected for IPP status aborted.

  • Some bugs in PLOSSYS Administrator have been fixed, for example, the select button for printer and date in Internet Explorer.

  • The path of the Ghostscript binary has been corrected.

  • The bug with the fatal error message when starting ELK has been fixed.

  • The bug with JOB_LIFETIME_WAITING_PICKUP has been fixed.

  • ipp-checkin sets the compression-supported attribute correctly to none when an IPP client requested the attributes with get-printer-attributes.

  • The bug with printer names consisting of digits only has been fixed.

  • The UUID is logged by all services correctly.

  • The bug with handling special characters in the printer name has been fixed.

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