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New Features

  • The SEAL NATS message broker has been introduced to improve the message handling and has to be installed before updating to PLOSSYS 5.4.0, refer to the SEAL NATS documentation. (PLS-1389)

  • The service seal-plossys-message-relay has been introduced for communication with the SEAL NATS message broker. The POLLING_INTERVAL key is available to specify the intervall after which the service checks for new notifications. (PLS-1890)

  • Virtual queues are available for failover, loadbalancing and routing. For the available keys, refer to Printer Keys. (PLS-1374)

  • SAPWIN files from SAP can be converted and output by PLOSSYS 5, refer to Output SAPWIN Files. (PLS-1133)

  • Before updating, the existent envconsul.json file is backed up with a timestamp and can be manually merged into the newly installed envconsul.json file after the update. (PLS-1455)

  • The JOB_MAX_POSTPONED_COUNT key has been moved to the seal-convert-dispatcher service. For more information refer to Update to 5.4.0 for Windows and Linux.

  • The installation and configuration of SEAL Elastic Stack is described in a separate documentation: SEAL Elastic Stack

  • For printers supporting the PLJ protocol, PLJ replies from the printers can be evaluated. This way, it can be ensured that jobs are completely output and jobs can be repeated at the page where the output was interrupted. For the restrictions with the PJL output and page failover and how to activate and configure the PLJ output, refer to Activate page failover. (PLS-1534)

  • The format of the Consul log file has been changed to JSON. For this, "log_json": true, has been added to consul.json. (PLS-1509)

  • Via PLOSSYS CLI, a Zip file resulting from plossys job collect or the correspondent operation in PLOSSYS Administrator can be printed, refer to Print a Document or a Zip File. (PLS-133)

  • Via PLOSSYS CLI, a printer message can be set for and removed from a printer, refer to Administrate the Printers, and a printer can be redirected to another one, refer to Redirect a Printer.

  • For the PLOSSYS CLI command plossys service stop, the --full option is available. plossys service stop --full stops all PLOSSYS 5 services including the services of the infrastructure tools such as MongoDB and Consul. plossys service stop only stops the Output Engine services but not the services of the infrastructure tools. (PLS-1593)

  • The security certificates contained in delivery have been updated.

  • PDF Tools (pdfstamphft, pdf2ps) from SEAL Systems have been updated to the newest versions. (PLS-1120)

  • In PLOSSYS Administrator, the following new features have been implemented:

    • Virtual queues are marked by V at the queue icon. (PLS-1417)

    • PLOSSYS Administrator has been updated to Angular 13. (PLS-1331)

    • Due to new functionality with Angular 13, the watch tabs were redesigned so that the Material framework is no longer needed and no longer has to be considered with updates. (PLS-1272)

    • Pausing virtual printers is impossible. Therefore, the pausing icon in PLOSSYS Administrator is inactive with virtual printers. (PLS-1508)

    • The pause operation in PLOSSYS Administrator has been extended so that queues that no longer respond and no longer print can be reactivated by pausing and resuming them via PLOSSYS Administrator. (PLS-1196)


  • The log messages in the job log file have been improved for redirecting printers. (PLS-297)

  • The bug with missing libraries for the PDF tools has been fixed. (PLS-1500)

  • The bug with wrong page information in case of SAP documents has been fixed. (PLS-1400)

  • The bug with "Invalid Printer URL" when updating a printer with multiple URLs has been fixed. (PLS-1204)

  • The bug with canceling a job has been fixed. (PLS-1559)

  • The bug that the housekeeper did not purge jobs with queue names containing upper and lower cases has been fixed. (PLS-1618)

  • The for Linux has been improved. (PLS-1487)

  • The bug that jobs were output twice when a printer was paused has been fixed. (PLS-1558)

  • In PLOSSYS Administrator, the following bugs have been fixed:

    • The bug that the columns in the job view were sorted incorrectly when resetting the columns to default has been fixed. (PLS-1494)

    • The bug with missing metadata in the job view has been fixed. (PLS-1469)

    • The bug with multiple error messages when pausing multiple printers in a bulk action has been fixed. (PLS-1347)

    • Modified settings remain when the dashboard is reopened. (PLS-1303)

    • The bug in the communication with the server when jumping to the last item in the printer list has been fixed. (PLS-1405)

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