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New Features

  • Node.js has been updated to 12.19.0.

  • Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported.

  • In addition to the already supported operating systems, PLOSSYS 5.3.0 is supported on Windows 2019, SLES 15 SP2 and RHEL 8.2.

  • PDF Tools is used with PLOSSYS 5.3.0.

  • For dispatching the jobs, the seal-controller service has been introduced which will replace the seal-dispatcher service in the next version. By default, the seal-dispatcher service is still used but you can already activate the seal-controller service by setting JOB_DISPATCHING to next. For update hints, refer to Update on Windows or Update on Linux.

  • The CONVERT_ON_PRINTER_START service key is available which specifies if waiting jobs are scheduled for conversion when the printer is being started.

  • The status of a device can be monitored via IPP if the device has an IPP interface. Unless specified, the monitoring IPP URL is determined from the printer's connection URL. For more information, refer to Configure the Device Monitoring.

  • The useCopier printer key is available which specifies if the seal-copier service is used for resolving the job copies by sending the document data multiple times to the printer. Normally, the job copies are resolved by the printer itself.

  • The jobMaxPostponedCount printer key is available which specifies how often a job for this printer will be postponed by the service in case the next service is not available for example. After exceeding the specified maximum of postponements, the job will be considered erroneous. This printer key overwrites the JOB_MAX_POSTPONED_COUNT service key for the specific printer.

  • In PLOSSYS Administrator, the following new features have been implemented:

    • PLOSSYS Administrator has been updated to Angular 11.

    • With the new PAGINATION_STEPS and PAGINATION_DEFAULT_STEP service keys, the selection menu for the number of items displayed in the lists can be specified.

    • With the new PRINTERS_METADATA and JOBS_METADATA service keys, columns can be added to the printers and jobs views. For more information, refer to Configure Additional Columns.

    • The status of the device can be displayed in an extra column and can be updated manually via menu item. The details of the device status are displayed in an extra dialog.

    • In the user interface, all items of the current page can be selected via a checkbox.

    • After the log-on, the last view is displayed instead of the dashboard.

    • If an operation takes a longer time, for example, when processing many items, a process bar is displayed.

    • A confirmation dialog is opened when adding more than 50 items to a list watch tab.

    • The Location, Comment and Department columns can be selected for being displayed but are deselected by default.

    • The PRINTER.DETAILS.config. prefix is cut with parameters having no translation assigned.

    • When redirecting a printer, the printer is stopped before.

    • For showing the log messages of jobs and printers, direct links to Kibana are provided which open new browser windows.

    • The icon font used in the user interface (Font Awesome) has been updated to the newest version.

    • The user profile is displayed in an extra dialog.


  • The printer name is case-insensitive now.

  • Syntax error handling of PLOSSYS CLI has been improved.

  • The bug with the SAP BC-XOM reply when deleting a job has been fixed.

  • In PLOSSYS Administrator, the following bugs have been fixed:

    • The delete functionality has been activated for jobs waiting for preprocessing.

    • The numbers of jobs in the different statuses are evaluated correctly in the charts displayed in the dashboard.

    • The order of the parameters is still the same after reloading the page.

    • The empty window after deleting a watch tab for printers or jobs is no longer displayed.

    • Some bugs concerning reloading have been fixed.

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