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New Features

  • As of PLOSSYS 5.3.0, the seal-dispatcher is available as replacement for the seal-controller service. With PLOSSYS 5.3.2., the seal-dispatcher service is no longer supported. The functionality of the seal-controller service has been integrated into the seal-controller, the seal-rest and the seal-convert-dispatcher services.

  • The service evaluating PRINT_ERROR_SHEET changed from the seal-dispatcher to the seal-convert-dispatcher service.

  • The service evaluating CONVERT_ON_PRINTER_START changed from the seal-rest to the seal-controller service.

  • JOB_RETRY_DELAY is available for specifying the waiting time between the postponements in case the next service is not available for example.

  • JWT_ROLES is available for specifying the property name set in JSON Web Token (JWT) for accessing the user roles.

  • AUTH_ADDITIONAL_SCOPES is available for specifying additional scopes for OAuth 2.

  • AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE is available for specifying the type of the token used for the authentication against the REST API.

  • ORPHAN_CHECK_INTERVAL is available for specifying the time interval between two checks for printers no longer locked by a seal-controller instance.

  • MongoDB is no longer included in the installation of PLOSSYS 5. For how to install and configure MongoDB, refer to the SEAL-specific MongoDB documentation. After the installation and an update, the MONGO_xxx_URL have to be checked for correctness, refer to Configure the MongoDB Keys in PLOSSYS 5.

  • The installation script for PLOSSYS 5 on Windows has been changed from a batch file to a PowerShell script.

  • If a CA certificate has been specified, the Output Engine services and all other components such as MongoDB and Consul require a client certificate from their correspondent client components. This would require corresponding properties of the certificate and would be a high effort. A complete explanation of how to use client certificates is beyond the scope of this documentation. The chapters containing the security configuration have been changed accordingly.

  • Setting the query parameter errorHandling to smart is no longer supported due to every connection interruption is ignored with this and every output job is considered as successfully output even if it was erroneous.

  • A printer template is available for converting a job into PDF in the preprocessing.

  • The messages in the job log in case of a redirected printer have been improved.

  • The times output with the log messages can be read by human beings.

  • For collecting output jobs, the collect privilege is available with ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS.

  • With the output job, the name as it was passed to the system is displayed instead of an internal name.

  • The seal-ipp-checkin service can be accessed both using IPP and IPPS. For enabling this, two URLs can be specified with SERVICE_URL.

  • Via ?stream=false with the connection string, jobs can be output via LPR to a Windows Print Server, refer to the connection printer key.

  • Before updating the system, the checkin services have to be shutdowned gracefully. A description of how to do this has been added to the documentation: Graceful Shutdown

  • Via the REST API, secure database queries can be specified with options so that only the relevant data will be transferred.

  • The status of a job received via IPP Proxy is displayed in the source system.

  • sapgofu2pdf.exe used by seal-sapgof has been updated to the version 9.0.12.

  • The installation method of the services has been improved so that the installation is much faster and all directories are deleted correctly when updating or uninstalling.

  • Instead of outputting a job to a printer, a script can be executed with the spool data, for example, for sending an e-mail or copying the spool file to the file system.

  • IPP and SAP notifications are kept in the database. The seal-housekeeper service cleans out-dated successful notifications after the specified time, NOTIFICATION_LIFETIME_IPP and NOTIFICATION_LIFETIME_SAP.

  • A memory leak has been fixed.

  • Node.js has been updated due to security vulnerability.

  • The SOCKET_CLOSE_TIMEOUT and SOCKET_CLOSE_TIMEOUT_IS_JOB_ERROR keys are available for the seal-checkout service for forcing the closing of the socket after sending a spool file to the printer unless the printer closes the connection.

  • In PLOSSYS Administrator, the following new features have been implemented:

    • The user interface has been redesigned using PrimeNG.

    • When updating the printer status, a dialog containing the status information is opened. The data displayed in the table is updated when closing this dialog.

    • Redirecting printers and jobs have been made more user-friendly and is provided via the context menu now.

    • The dashboard of PLOSSYS Administrator has been secured. In order that the user can see the dashboard, the dashbord area has to be specified in the ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS key. For more information, refer to ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS.

    • The size of the log dialog is kept for the following log dialogs.

    • By zipping the application, the size could be reduced from about 10 MB to under 1 MB. This significantly reduces the loading time.


  • If the user calling PLOSSYS CLI does not have the privileges for executing an operation, such as starting or stopping services, a correct error message is output.

  • The bug with PRINT_ERROR_SHEET in version 5.3.0 has been fixed.

  • In case of multiple copies of a document running on an error, the error sheet is output only once.

  • The housekeeping has been revised. It no longer crashes when a spoolfile to be deleted has already been deleted by another housekeeper instance or when too many jobs have to be deleted at once.

  • The bug with generating the PostScript code for the error sheets has been fixed.

  • The bug with specifying an erroneous log level has been fixed.

  • The bug when outputting native jobs via IPP has been fixed.

  • The bug with multiple URLs in the connection key has been fixed.

  • The checkPhysical and update privileges are evaluated correctly and added to the documentation.

  • The printer name is everywhere displayed as specified using upper and lower cases. In PLOSSYS Administrator, the display name is displayed correctly and all operations are available.

  • The bug when sending a wrong MIME type with a job so that the printer did not accept the job has been fixed. The MIME type is now set to application/octet-stream so that the receiver will find out for itself what job format it is.

  • The seal-copier service no longer crashes when a job cannot be sent to the printer.

  • The ipp-checkin gets the document of the last conversion instead of the original file.

  • The seal-job-notifier service can handle misconfigured jobs whose SAP systems IDs contain blanks only.

  • In case of a cluster installation, only one reply is sent back to SAP.

  • If a job cannot be output for a longer time, a log message is written. Via the script, the SEAL Systems support can fix the problem.

  • If the reply to SAP does not work, a log message is written for each affected job.

  • The housekeeper service no longer harm jobs which just have arrived.

  • In PLOSSYS Administrator, the following bugs have been fixed:

    • The bug that sometimes the job log could not be opened has been fixed.

    • In the table, the printer name item is shortened as all other parameters instead of being wrapped to the next line.

    • The server name in the cluster is logged as in the job log.

    • The bug that a user without redirect privilege could resume a printer has been fixed.

    • The bug with auto reloading has been fixed.

    • The bug with resizing the columns in the job view has been fixed.

    • The bug that the global filter settings were lost when changing the tabs has been fixed.

    • The bug that the number of displayed elements changed after a while has been fixed.

    • The bug that the main page was empty when starting and had to be reloaded has been fixed.

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