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New Features

  • As of version 6.0.0, PLOSSYS 5 has been renamed to PLOSSYS Output Engine. The services seal-plossys-acounting and seal-plossys-message-relay have been renamed to seal-out-ngn-accounting and seal-out-ngn-message-relay. For more information, refer to Update on Windows or Update on Linux. (PLS-1931, PLS-1950, PLS-1951, PLS-1952, PLS-1953)

  • The seal-logrotate service to cleanup outdated log files is no longer included in the PLOSSYS Output Engine bundle. Please download and install SEAL Logrotate separately, refer to SEAL Logrotate documentation. (PLS-1641)

  • To enable remote printing, two new services have been introduced. The seal-mainland-checkout service is responsible for sending print jobs to the seal-island-checkout on remote sites. For more information, refer to Remote Prining (PLS-1813)

  • Logging information for jobs that have been printed remotely are available in the central logging. (PLS-1930)

  • When a job has been printed on a remote site, the remote site's name is listed in the job metadata in seal-out-ngn-accounting.log (formerly seal-plossys-acounting.log), for example "remoteSite": "Inari". (PLS-1945)

  • The MongoDB Node.js driver has been updated to 6.3.0. (PLS-1903)

  • Node.js has been updated to 20.12.2 due to security reasons, thus RHEL 7 and SLES 12 are no longer supported. (PLS-1841, PLS-1977, PLS-1988)

  • The log files for seal-controller, seal-ghost, seal-bodyscanner and seal-copier have been improved. They will state received error from requested service instead of unexpected error code 500 if an error stems originally from another service. (PLS-1819)

  • Prometheus metrics are available for all services. For detailed information, refer to Metrics. (PLS-1964, PLS-1966)

  • The new environment key POSTSCRIPT_LEVEL specifies the default postscript level that the PDF to Postscript converter is supposed to generate. (PLS-1719)

  • When using plossys service stop --full on the MongoDB primary node, a warning will be issued and the primary changed. (PLS-1393)

  • PLOSSYS Output Engine will evaluate environment keys even if they have been entered into Consul with trailing or leading spaces. (PLS-1638)

  • Raster Tools 4.2.0 are contained in the delivery. (PLS-1962)

  • In PLOSSYS Administrator, the following new features have been implemented:

    • PLOSSYS Administrator has been updated to Angular 17. (PLS-1858)

    • Remote printers are marked with an R in PLOSSYS Administrator. (PLS-1947)

    • The job log contains detailed information if job events can not be sent to SAP due to the SEALCPIC user being locked. (PLS-1390)


  • The bug has been fixed, that prevented the overwriting of the printer when using a zip file with the plossys job print command. (PLS-1648)

  • The bug has been fixed, that caused an uncaught exception in the openid-auth modul and a crash of the PLOSSYS Administrator. (PLS-1825)

  • The bug has been fixed, that caused an error with seal-copier service when activating Consul ACL. (PLS-1815)

  • The bug has been fixed, that caused a crash of the seal-checkout service when sending large files per IPP to a printer. (PLS-1978)

Known Issues

  • When changing the seal-island-checkout on a Windows client using the Repair option, default values will be written into the registry instead of the changed data. To prevent that issue, uninstall the current client first, then install anew. (PLS-1927)

  • When updating to PLOSSYS Output Engine 6.0.0 under Linux, the directories for the old services seal-plossys-accounting and seal-plossys-message-relay will not be deleted. (PLS-1990)

  • The services seal-co-notifier and seal-job-notifier are still using Node.js 20.11.1. (PLS-1988)

  • When a key has been entered into Consul with leading or trailing spaces it can override the correct version of the key. (PLS-1985)

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