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New Features

  • Service key CONSUL_FORCE_TLS is available to specify if Consul uses TLS.

  • Service key MONGODB_FORCE_TLS is available to specify if connections to MongoDB always use TLS.

  • When outputting a job, the job might be converted according to the language a printer requires. The job parameter outputFormat shows the file format sent to the printer and is displayed in PLOSSYS Administrator. (PLS-988)

  • Jobs that fail because of errors in the printer language will finish with the status Error. (PLS-1600)

  • With seal-island-checkout as of version 1.21, PJL printers at remote sites can be controlled via PJL commands same as PJL printers at the main site. (PLS-1971)

  • For ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS, the new operators neq, notWildcard, regex and notRegex have been added to support more security scenarios. Refer to Permissions and OIDC Roles for Linux or Permissions and OIDC Roles for Windows. (PLS-1980)

  • The name of the environment key to store API key credentials for remote site clients has been changed from AUTH_CLIENTS to CLIENTS. (PLS-1981)

  • API keys for remote site clients can be generated via PLOSSYS CLI. On how to do this, refer to API Key Creation. (PLS-1981)

  • The services seal-co-notifier and seal-job-notifier have been updated with Node.js 20.12.2. (PLS-1991, PLS-2003)

  • The new service key RFC_TRACE_DIR for the seal-co-notifier service can be used to specify the directory for the SAP trace files. (PLS-2001)

  • New printer key pauseAfterKey specifies a pause after each print job ensuring the separation of consecutive jobs. This key is only valid for PJL printers and overwrites the new PAUSE_AFTER_PRINT service key. (PLS-2011)

  • Ghostscript has been updated to version (PLS-2012)

  • The MongoDB Node.js driver has been downgraded to version 5.9.2. This has no effect on supported MongoDB versions or the used Node.js version. (PLS-2027)

  • Node.js has been updated to 20.16.0 due to security reasons. (PLS-2043)

  • seal-convert-sapwin service has been updated to version 1.0.3. For more information about the topic, refer to Output SAPWIN Files. The update contains the following changes:

    • The script will not start the firewall anymore. (SWK-12)

    • Node.js has been updated to version 20.16.0 due to security reasons. (SWK-15)


  • PLOSSYS CLI returned not 0 when trying to shut down an already shut down service. This has been fixed. If the service is not running in the end, the return code will be 0. (PLS-1123)

  • The pjl-checkout has been improved to increase the compatibility with Konica-Minolta and Kyocera printers. (PLS-1792)

  • In rare cases convert-dispatcher service started a job before the metadata were written into the database. This bug has been fixed. A new status added is set by seal-checkin and seal-ipp-checkin for the timeframe needed. (PLS-1997)

  • Jobs without printer name will fail with status ERROR. (PLS-2002)

  • The need for manual assistance at a PJL printer during paper changes even if the requested paper format is available has been eliminated. (PLS-2010)

  • The bug that caused ipp-checkin to freeze when writing to the MongoDB database has been fixed. (PLS-2027)

Known Issues

  • When changing the seal-island-checkout on a Windows client using the Repair option, default values will be written into the registry instead of the changed data. To prevent that issue, uninstall the current client first, then install anew. (PLS-1927)

  • When a key has been entered into Consul with leading or trailing spaces it can override the correct version of the key. (PLS-1985)

  • When updating from PLOSSYS 5 to PLOSSYS Output Engine 6.0.0 or higher under Linux, the directories for the old services seal-plossys-accounting and seal-plossys-message-relay will not be deleted. (PLS-1990)

  • The new job status added has no icon in PLOSSYS Administrator. (PLS-2000)

  • If a job fails because of errors in the printer language, the resulting error messages are missing in Elastic. (PLS-2014)

  • If a job name contains the word error, the job will always set to status error by seal-pjl-checkout service. (PLS-2015)

  • If a printer using ghostscript is not reachable, seal-ghost service will start a new Ghostscript process when attempting to print anew. The old Ghostscript processes will not be stopped, their number increasing over time. As a quick fix, restart the seal-ghost service. (PLS-2017)

  • In very rare cases, if error events between streaming services get lost because of network issues and the other involved services do not close their streams, it can cause the job being stuck in the "… still waiting for response from follow up services" stage for a long time. Please cancel the job manually in such a case. (PLS-2050)

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