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New Features

  • The script firewall.ps1 for Windows or for Linux is contained in delivery and can be used for opening the firewall ports required for Elastic Stack. For more information, refer to Configure the Management Server on Windows or Configure the Management Server on Linux.

  • The installation script for Elastic Stack on Windows has been changed from a batch file to a PowerShell script.

  • The default of the MONGO_LOCKS_AGE key has been changed from ten seconds (10s) to one minute (1m).

  • In the view configuration of the OIDC roles, the %ALLOWED_PRINTER_NAMES% value is available representing all printers which the current user can see. For more information, refer to Permissions and OIDC Roles.

  • The LOG_FULL_JOB_PROPERTIES key is available for specifying if the metadata of the jobs are logged.

  • The successful SAP notifications are logged with the log level info.

  • With the job metadata, only one attribute concerning the number of copies is displayed. For how the number of copies are determined from the input data, refer to Set the Copies.

  • The PostScript attributes are output to an additional file with the .psproperties extension when collecting all job files into a zip archive (via the download icon in PLOSSYS Administrator for example).

  • Node.js has been updated due to security vulnerability.

  • In PLOSSYS Administrator, the following new features have been implemented:

    • PLOSSYS Administrator has been updated to Angular 12.

    • In the dialogs displaying the job and printer logs, buttons are available for refreshing the contents.


  • Jobs paused on the source system are no longer fetched by the IPP Proxy.

  • When stopping PLOSSYS 5 on Windows, all services of SEAL Systems are searched and not only those in the "Running" status in order to catch all services in an "unclear" status as well.

  • The bug with collecting all job files including the temporary files into a zip archive (via the download icon in PLOSSYS Administrator for example) has been fixed.

  • PostScript properties without PLS_ prefix are interpreted correctly.

  • The audit log messages have been fixed.

  • The bug with hanging queues at high load has been fixed.

  • The housekeeper service no longer harm jobs which just have arrived.

  • In PLOSSYS Administrator, the following bugs have been fixed:

    • Autoreload has been fixed with all tabs.

    • The number of waiting jobs is displayed correctly now.

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